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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent congue purus volutpat congue scelerisque. Donec dictum felis vitae magna sodales, at fringilla nunc accumsan. Sed interdum ipsum turpis, vitae gravida nunc accumsan non. Nunc sollicitudin justo eu nunc efficitur sodales. Morbi cursus sodales velit, gravida vehicula purus faucibus at.
Digital Signage is an effective way to arouse interest in the recipient. Dynamic content transfer is still a relatively new solution, which is why it creates the effect of surprise. This brings the desired results, because what surprises is usually remembered.
In addition, the presented method of promotion is associated with:
– the possibility to target the message to specific parameters (target group, time, place)
– introduction of dynamic message to decision making points,
– an opportunity to track the recipient’s response in real time,
– managing the appearance of the presented content,
– reduction of marketing communication expenditure,
– a wide spectrum of applications.
Digital Signage solutions can be used anywhere, but the best results are achieved if they are placed where they are most likely to be observed. Very often they are used in places where customers make shopping decisions. The most commonly introduced are:
This form of communication is slowly and effectively displacing large-format billboards, static posters, banners. The dynamic message attracts more attention and allows to attract a larger group of recipients. Digital Signage can be successfully used at major city thoroughfares, popular tourist attractions, iconic meeting places, and company headquarters.
Digital screens are very often installed in facilities such as company headquarters and departments, shopping centers, clubs, hotels, cinemas, offices, etc. They effectively replace traditional advertising solutions. They are slowly eliminating leaflets, posters, advertising folders, banners. Due to the possibility of adapting the Digital Signage system to individual preferences, screens can also be used to display e.g. menu in restaurants, information about promotions in stores, current information from around the world and the country, pro-social actions, etc.
Modern means of public transport are perfectly adapted to the applications of Digital Signage technology. Trams and buses are a space used by a huge number of people. The small space and the longer travel time (especially on longer routes) are conducive to the interest in dynamic screen transmission.
Digital Signage is an effective way to arouse interest in the recipient. Dynamic content transfer is still a relatively new solution, which is why it creates the effect of surprise. This brings the desired results, because what surprises is usually remembered.
In addition, the presented method of promotion is associated with:
– the possibility to target the message to specific parameters (target group, time, place)
– introduction of dynamic message to decision making points,
– an opportunity to track the recipient’s response in real time,
– managing the appearance of the presented content,
– reduction of marketing communication expenditure,
– a wide spectrum of applications.
Digital Signage solutions can be used anywhere, but the best results are achieved if they are placed where they are most likely to be observed. Very often they are used in places where customers make shopping decisions. The most commonly introduced are:
  • Product 1
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent congue purus volutpat congue scelerisque. Donec dictum felis vitae magna sodales, at fringilla nunc accumsan. Sed interdum ipsum turpis, vitae gravida nunc accumsan non. Nunc sollicitudin justo eu nunc efficitur sodales.
  • Product 2
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent congue purus volutpat congue scelerisque. Donec dictum felis vitae magna sodales, at fringilla nunc accumsan. Sed interdum ipsum turpis, vitae gravida nunc accumsan non. Nunc sollicitudin justo eu nunc efficitur sodales.
  • Product 3
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent congue purus volutpat congue scelerisque. Donec dictum felis vitae magna sodales, at fringilla nunc accumsan. Sed interdum ipsum turpis, vitae gravida nunc accumsan non. Nunc sollicitudin justo eu nunc efficitur sodales.
An effective and eye-catching advertising message allows you to significantly increase the number of potential customers, interest them in a product, service or event, and inform you about your purchase options. Before preparing all materials, we plan our activities appropriately, learn about the clients’ expectations, analyze the target group and strive to achieve the maximum goal.
Jeżeli nie znalazłeś odpowiedzi na swoje pytania, skontaktuj się z nami.
* Administratorem danych osobowych jest Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Raszynie, właściciel marki, adres: 05-090 Raszyn ul. Słowikowskiego 81C, e-mail:, telefon: 451 600 609, (Administrator). W Polityce Prywatności Administrator informuje o celu, okresie i podstawach prawnych przetwarzania danych osobowych, a także o prawach jakie przysługują osobom, których przetwarzane dane osobowe dotyczą, podmiotom którym Administrator może powierzyć do przetwarzania dane osobowe, oraz o zasadach zautomatyzowanego przetwarzania danych osobowych, w tym ich profilowaniu.
B2B Sales Manager
Adrian Pozdzik
B2B Sales Manager
Grzegorz Biela
B2B Sales Manager
Piotr Dębiec
B2B Sales Manager
Armen Akopian
B2B Sales Manager
Michał Stefański
Tel: +48 506 843 560
Ul. M. Slowikowskiego 81c, bud. h4, 05-090 Raszyn
Dedicated Solutions
Zapisz się do naszego newslettera spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Raszynie (05-090) przy ulicy Słowikowskiego 81C, wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy – Warszawa XIII Wydział Gospodarczy pod numerem KRS 0000966060, NIP 5342649628. Wysokość kapitału zakładowego 1 000 000 zł.